KE504: Analytical Spectroscopy

Study Board of Science

Teaching language: Danish
EKA: N530017102
Assessment: Second examiner: None
Grading: Pass/Fail
Offered in: Odense
Offered in: Autumn
Level: Bachelor

STADS ID (UVA): N530017101
ECTS value: 5

Date of Approval: 20-02-2024

Duration: 1 semester

Version: Approved - active


Entry requirements

Students cannot enrol in KE504 if they have already taken KE549: Analytical Spectroscopy for students with chemistry as their minor subject (5 ECTS).

Academic preconditions

Students taking the course are expected to have knowledge of organic chemistry at the level of 1st year courses.
It is emphasised that:

  • they have knowledge of functional groups
  • they can apply nomenclature rules for organic molecules
  • they have knowledge of isomerism, including stereoisomerism

Course introduction

The aim of the course is to enable the student to relate a molecular structure to experimental spectroscopic data, and vice versa, as well as to report spectroscopic data orally and in writing in plain, accurate and correct language. The course is also important for developing understanding of molecules and knowledge of analytical techniques.

The course builds on the knowledge acquired in the 1st year chemistry courses and provides a professional basis for studying the topics within medicinal chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry or analytical biochemistry, placed later or at the same time in the study program, or for advanced studies of spectroscopy.

As concerns the profiles of the study programs, the course has a special focus on developing skills within spectroscopy in order to be able to use analytical spectroscopy for analysis and development of e.g. materials, drugs, catalysts as well as chemical and biotechnological processes. In this way, the course forms the background for e.g. chemistry students' further studies within organic synthesis and materials chemistry and for biochemistry and molecular biology students' further studies within analytical biochemistry.

Expected learning outcome

The learning objective of the course is that the student demonstrates the ability to:

  • recognize functional groups and identify which form of spectroscopy is best suited for detection of a given functional group
  • interpret experimental IR, MS and NMR spectra
  • combine and value larger amounts of spectroscopic data from the different techniques for the purpose of structure determination
  • discuss the validity of a suggested molecular structure based on the experimental spectra
  • solve more complex problems within analytical spectroscopy


Infrared spectroscopy (IR)
Introduction to IR spectroscopy
Application and interpretation of IR spectra, including i.a.
  • the relationship between molecular structure and oscillation frequency
  • group frequencies of functional groups
Mass spectrometry (MS)
Introduction to MS
Application and interpretation of MS, including i.a.
  • isotope pattern
  • determination of exact mass
  • fragmentation pattern of functional groups
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR)
Introduction to NMR spectroscopy
Application and interpretation of NMR spectra, including i.a.
  • chemical shift
  • scalar coupling
  • 1st order analysis
  • 2D NMR spectra (COSY and HSQC)
Application of a combination of spectroscopic forms and spectra to identify unknown small organic molecules.


  • D.L. Pavia, G.M. Lampman and G.S. Kriz and J.R. Vyvyan: Introduction to Spectroscopy, 5th ed.
  • ChemBioDraw

See itslearning for syllabus lists and additional literature references.

Examination regulations

Exam element a)








Second examiner: None




Full name and SDU username


Normally, the same as teaching language

Examination aids


ECTS value


Additional information

The portfolio exam consists of the following elements:

a) Active participation in tutorials and exercises. Participation in the tutorials is necessary, as the content of the tutorials is used directly in the subsequent exercises.

b) Approved home assignments and reports

Indicative number of lessons

47 hours per semester

Teaching Method

At the faculty of science, teaching is organized after the three-phase model ie. intro, training and study phase.

  • Intro phase (lectures) - Number of hours: 14, given as video lectures
  • Training phase: Number of hours: 33, of which 10 hours are tutorials and 23 hours are exercises
The topics are introduced during the lectures followed by solving of problems in small groups or individually. After that the techniques have been introduced one by one, time is spent reviewing complex problems that combine information from multiple techniques. The form of teaching makes it possible to provide a certain degree of differentiated teaching.

Video lectures will be complemented by Q/A sessions where students will have the possibility to clear up subtle points and discuss examples.

Activities in the study phase
Reading the textbook. Overview of tables and the like is essential. Work with training problems as well as preparation of home assignments and exercise reports. The exam is a direct extension of the course activities, which is why the majority of the exam reading takes place during the semester.

Teacher responsible

Name E-mail Department
Michael Petersen Kemi og Farmaci


Administrative Unit

Fysik, kemi og Farmaci

Team at Educational Law & Registration


Offered in


Recommended course of study

Profile Education Semester Offer period

Transition rules

Transitional arrangements describe how a course replaces another course when changes are made to the course of study. 
If a transitional arrangement has been made for a course, it will be stated in the list. 
See transitional arrangements for all courses at the Faculty of Science.