European Studies: Introduction to Concepts and Methods
Course ID
Course Title
Teaching language
ECTS value
Responsible study board
Date of Approval
Course Responsible
Offered in
Offered in
Mandatory prerequisites
Recommended prerequisites
Aim and purpose
The course introduces the students to the interdisciplinary field of European Studies and its most important disciplines, economics, political science, sociology, law and historical research. The course thus also introduces the student to multiple scientific positions and how they form the framework for undertaking social science research within a field characterized by a variety of research approaches and sometimes fully developed interdisciplinary research. Furthermore, the course aims to develop the student’s methodological and academic skills through an individually chosen course work.
The overall purpose of the course is thus to:
- Introduce students to the possibilities and problems involved in working in an interdisciplinary field of research
- To enhance students’ knowledge of and interests in European Studies as a field of research and study
- Enable students to carry out their specific university education with the greatest motivation while performing according to the highest academic standards
Learning goals
The course will enable the students to analyse a specific topic in the field of European Studies from a conceptual as well as empirical perspective, and to demonstrate the ability to work according to academic standards. The students present their results in a written exam paper and an oral presentation.
Intended knowledge outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of the variety of and differences between approaches characterizing research in European Studies
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of the possibilities and problems of performing interdisciplinary social science research
- Identify and describe specific topics, challenges and problems with relevance in research in contemporary European Studies
- Individually provide a multi-structural and comprehensive presentation of an issue of relevance in research in contemporary European Studies
Intended skills outcomes
At the end of the course the student must be able to:
- Choose a subject with relevance in contemporary European Studies
- Structure the chosen subject in order to write an academic paper
- Analyze the subject and compare and relate to empirical examples
- Provide an assessment of results and findings and the path of analysis followed
- Communicate the results in an oral presentation according to academic standards
Teaching Method
Examination regulations
Form of examination
Assignment handin
ECTS value
Additional information
No group assignments allowed.
Please note:
1) Students who have passed the examination condition, but not the examination: Re-examination on the basis of a revised paper.
2) Students who have not passed the examination condition: Submission of paper of an additional five pages.
Exam condition
Additional information
Writing group meetings/participation in seminars/oral presentation of problem statement.
Please note:
1) Students who have passed the examination condition, but not the examination: Re-examination on the basis of a revised paper.
2) Students who have not passed the examination condition: Submission of paper of an additional five pages.
External comment
Courses offered
Offer period | Offer type | Profile | Education | Semester |
Fall 2018 | Mandatory | BSc European Studies (fra 2017) | BSc European Studies | Bachelor of Science (BSc) in European Studies | Soenderborg | 1 |
Fall 2018 | Exchange students |