Theoretical Concepts and Practical Applications

Study Board of Business Economics

Teaching language: English
EKA: B100071402
Censorship: Second examiner: None
Grading: 7-point grading scale
Offered in: Soenderborg
Offered in: Autumn
Level: Bachelor

Course ID: B100071401
ECTS value: 15

Date of Approval: 02-03-2018

Duration: 1 semester

Course ID


Course Title

Theoretical Concepts and Practical Applications

Teaching language


ECTS value


Responsible study board

Study Board of Business Economics

Date of Approval


Course Responsible

Name Email Department
Anna Marie Dyhr Ulrich

Offered in




Offered in



1 semester

Mandatory prerequisites


Recommended prerequisites


Aim and purpose

The purpose of the seminar is to give the student an opportunity to test and develop his or her competences within one or more key disciplines within business economics. At the same time, it is the aim that the student through the work on the seminar report trains the skills that are important for writing an academic report and thereby develop his or her competences in this area.


The objective of the seminar is to develop the theoretical skills of the student. During the course, the participants must prepare a seminar report based on a theoretical and practical problem related to a firm or institutional internship.   

The Academic Study Board offers a number of topics within each of the disciplines in business economics. It is also possible for the student to come up with a proposal of a topic. The topic can be the type that entails carrying out a literature review and / or an empirical study based on study of scientific literature. Based on the chosen topic, the specific content and methodology is decided by the student in cooperation with the supervisor.

Learning goals

Student, in a seminar report should be able to: 
  • Argue for the relevance of, clarify and structure a problem that lies within one or more disciplines in business economics or business administration.
  • Independently identify and select a theoretical basis which either expands the knowledge acquired earlier in the study programme or is applied to solve a practice related problem.
  • Describe, explain and analyze key elements of the selected theory and relate these to each other as well as to the specific problem.
  • Explain and argue for the method used for the collection and analysis of material - be it literature and / or empirical data.
  • Conclude and put the results into perspective based on the above, including a discussion of theoretical and practical implications.
  • Prepare a written report which in the form and content appears structured, balanced and meaningful to the reader.


No compulsory assignments, but the seminar must be based on relevant and updated literature beyond the compulsory curriculum in the programme. The literature has to be approved by the supervisor. 

Teaching Method

Tutoring and guidance is provided means of personal and/or distance communication.

There are no scheduled classes. There is, however, 6 hours are set aside for supervision of each student.


The total workload of the course is 1/2 of a semester workload (1640 hours /4 = approx 405 hours). The entire workload is dedicated to the work connected to writing the report.

Examination regulations





Ordinary exam: The report must be handed in no later than Tuesday in week 3 at 12:00 (noon).  
Reexam: The report must be handed in Tuesday week 8 at 12:00 (noon).

Registration for the course is automatically a registration for the ordinary examination of the course. Cancellation is not possible. If the student does not participate in the examination, the student will use an examination attempt.  

The university may grant an exemption from the rules in case of special circumstances. 
Please note that the type and form of the re-examination may differ from that of the ordinary examination. 





Form of examination

Project report


Second examiner: None


7-point grading scale


Student Identification Card - Date of birth





Duration: Ongoing throughout the term. 


Extent: 25 standard pages excluding table of contents, possible summary and appendices.

Assignment handover

Not applicable.

Assignment handin

Through SDU assignment in the course page in Blackboard.

ECTS value


Additional information

About the written report:

Duration: Ongoing throughout the term. 
Deadline for submission: see under time of examination
Location: Home assignment
Internet Access: Required.
Hand out of assignment: Not applicable.
Hand in: Through SDU assignment in the course page in Blackboard.
Extent: 25 standard pages excluding table of contents, possible summary and appendices.

The course is only available for students of BSc Economics and Business Administration doing an internship in the 5th semester.



External comment

NOTE - This course is identical with the former course Theoretical Concepts and Practical Applications, Id 9858601. 

Used examination attempts in the former identical course will be transferred.
Courses that are identical with former courses that are passed according to applied rules cannot be retaken.

The student is automatically registered for the first examination attempt when the student is registered for a course or course element with which one or more examinations are associated. Withdrawal of registration is not possible, and students who fail to participate in an examination have used one examination attempt, unless the University has made an exemption due to special circumstances. 
If a student does not meet the established university prerequisites for taking the exam, he or she has used one examination attempt, unless the University has made an exemption due to special circumstances.

The course is only available for students of BSc Economics and Business Administration doing an internship in the 5th semester, see this course description

Courses offered

Offer period Offer type Profile Education Semester
Fall 2018 Optional International Economics and Business Relationships / Accounting - Sønderborg (Admission (2015) 2016) Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Economics and Business Administration | Esbjerg, Soenderborg, Slagelse, Odense, Kolding
Fall 2018 Optional International Economics and Business Relationships / Marketing - Sønderborg (Admission (2015) 2016) Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Economics and Business Administration | Esbjerg, Soenderborg, Slagelse, Odense, Kolding

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