Seminar in Business Economics

Study Board of Business Economics

Teaching language: English
EKA: B100091112, B100091102
Censorship: Second examiner: None
Grading: Approved/Not approved, 7-point grading scale
Offered in: Odense
Offered in: Autumn
Level: Bachelor

Course ID: B100091101
ECTS value: 5

Date of Approval: 13-03-2020

Duration: 1 semester

Course ID


Course Title

Seminar in Business Economics

Teaching language


ECTS value


Responsible study board

Study Board of Business Economics

Date of Approval


Course Responsible

Name Email Department
Jan Møller Jensen Institut for Marketing & Management

Offered in




Offered in



1 semester

Mandatory prerequisites


Recommended prerequisites

Knowledge of basic models and theories within the subject area(s) of economics and business administration which is in focus in the seminar.

Aim and purpose

The purpose of the seminar is to give the student an opportunity to test and develop his or her competences within one or more key disciplines within business economics. At the same time, it is the aim that the student through the work on the seminar report trains the skills for writing an academic report and thereby develop his or her competences in this area. The seminar process is a good preparation for the student's later work with the bachelor project.


The students must independently, as a group, under guidance of a supervisor, perform an academic analysis of a self-chosen subject and report the results. The topic can be the type that entails carrying out a literature review and / or an empirical study based on study of scientific literature. Based on the chosen topic, the specific content and methodology is decided by the student in cooperation with the supervisor.

The relevant department allocates a supervisor. To this end, the students must group wise fill in a digital form for selection of topic by the deadline. Link to digital form is situated at the study webpage.

Based on the chosen topic, the specific content and methodology is decided by the student in cooperation with the supervisor before the given deadline (see Exam condition - Supervisor agreement).

Learning goals

The aim of the seminar in business economics is that the student in a written seminar report demonstrates the ability to:

Description of outcome - Knowledge

• Select, argue and structure a precise and relevant problem statement within one or more subject areas within business economics  
• Select, explain and show an understanding of theories, methods and practices relevant to the chosen problem, be it knowledge that was previously acquired in the study program as well as additional updated knowledge within the subject areas of relevance to the problem. 

Description of outcome - Skills

• Formulate a problem statement that is well structured, accurate and unambiguous as well as realistic regarding the resources devoted to the seminar 
• Identify, select and justify a relevant theoretical frame of reference for the analysis of the problem. To the extent possible, the knowledge gained earlier in the program is expected to be expanded or further developed with additional updated knowledge based on international research related to subjects that are central to the problem. 
• Apply the knowledge acquired in relation to the chosen problem  
• Present the results of the analysis as well as their documentation and reflect on their reliability, validity and generalisability. 

Description of outcome - Competences

• Complete the project work within the stipulated time. 
• Relate the results of the analysis to the problem and make a conclusion based on that. 
• Formulate theoretical and practice-related implications  
• Prepare a written report that appears in the form and content structured, balanced and meaningful to readers. 


Depends on the chosen problem. Students are expected to search for and, if relevant, make use of scientific literature in addition to the syllabus for the study programme.

Teaching Method

See under Workload.


Scheduled classes:
Individual guidance conducted by a supervisor. In total 3 hours per seminar group, including preparation and mail correspondence.

Regardless whether the first attempt takes place at the time set for submission for the ordinary examination or at the time set for submission for the reexamination, guidance is given exclusively before the date fixed for submission for the ordinary examination.

For an average student, the workload is distributed as follows:
Independently structured project work: 130 hours.
Guidance (preparation, participation and follow-up): 5 hours.
Total: 135 hours.

Examination regulations

Exam condition - Supervisor agreement


Exam condition - Supervisor agreement


Supervisor agreement with the working title / problem formulation must be submitted to the supervisor no later than 1 October.
The Agreement is approved via the same digital form as for getting a supervisor (available at the study programme page on under "Seminar in Business Economics".)

If the exam condition is not met, the student cannot participate in the ordinary examination and an attempt has been used. 


Exam condition - Supervisor agreement


Exam condition - Supervisor agreement

Form of examination

Compulsory assignment


Second examiner: None


Approved/Not approved


Student Identification Card - Date of birth





ECTS value


Additional information

Fulfillment of the exam requirement is only possible prior to the ordinary exam. Participation in the re-examination thus requires that the exam requirement is met prior to the ordinary exam.



Exam - Seminar report


Exam - Seminar report


Exam: In January: The seminar report must be submitted no later than Tuesday in week 3 at 12:00 noon.
Reexam: In February: The Seminar report must be submitted no later than Tuesday, week 8, at 12.00 noon.

The course is being phased out and is taught for the last time in autumn 2020. As enrollment is binding please be advised that the University will automatically enroll you for all of the three exam offers. Students who have previously had exam attempts in this course will automatically be enrolled in their remaining exam attempts. The following exams are offered:

1st offer: Tuesday Week 3 2021 
2nd offer: Tuesday week 8 2021
3rd offer: June 2021 (date to be announced).


Exam - Seminar report


Exam - Seminar report

Form of examination

Project report


Second examiner: None


7-point grading scale


Student Identification Card - Date of birth




Ongoing throughout the semester.


2 students: Max. 20 standard pages excluding table of contents, possible summary and appendices
3 students: Max. 25 standard pages excluding table of contents, possible summary and appendices.
It must be clearly stated for which parts each student is responsible so that individual grading is possible.

The report must meet the requirements stated in the "Formalities for written assignments in economics and business administration" - available at the study programme page on under "Exam".

Examination aids

All exam aids allowed.

Assignment handover

Not applicable.

Assignment handin

In SDU assignment in the course page in Blackboard.

ECTS value


Additional information

Location: Home.
Internet Access: Required.

Supplemental information for the form of examination:
The seminar should be written in groups of 2-3 students. Students who have not found a group will be administratively assigned to a group, to the extent possible within the chosen subject area.

Grading according to the extent to which the individual student meets the goals listed under "goals description".

Supplemental information on reexam in the same exam term:

Re-examination based on previously filed report in the ordinary examination takes places as submission of a revised report. There only guidance available for the revision is an explanation of the grade at the ordinary exam.

Re-exam without previous participation in the ordinary exam is in the form of a report following the guidelines for the ordinary exam. There is no guidance beyond the deadline for submission of the report for the ordinary examination.


Type Prerequisite name Prerequisite course
Exam B100091112, Exam condition - Supervisor agreement B100091101, Seminar in Business Economics



External comment

NOTE - This course is identical with the former course 8210611 Seminar in Business Economics - 5 ECTS.
Used examination attempts in the former identical course will be transferred.
Courses that are identical with former courses that are passed according to applied rules cannot be retaken.

Students who have enrolled for Seminar in Business Economics 10 ECTS are not allowed to enroll for this course.

Courses offered

Offer period Offer type Profile Education Semester
Fall 2020 Optional Business Management - Odense (Enrollment from September 1st 2017 - last intake September 1st 2018) Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Administration | Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Economics and Business Administration | Esbjerg, Soenderborg, Slagelse, Odense, Kolding

URL for Skemaplan